C.J. Collectibles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Video Tapes
About C.J. Collectibles
Contact Me
Starting Lineup
Action Figures: Super-Heros
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
G.I. Joe
Action Figures: Other
Trading Cards: Sports
Trading Cards: Non-Sports
Movie Promotional Material
Hot Wheels
Fast Food

All figures are Mint On Card (MOC) unless specified otherwise.

Ace Duck (Hat On) - SOLD!
Ace Duck (Hat Off) - SOLD
April O'Neil (1st) - 125.00
April (w/ blue stripe) - 5.00
April (Bride of Frankenstein) - 7.00
April (ninja) - 3.00
April (w/ Orange stripe w/ Press) - 3.00
April (mutations) - SOLD!
April (movie 3) - 3.00
April (reporter on 93 card) - 3.00
April (yellow and purple) - 3.00
April (reporter on 92 anniversary card) - 3.00
April (w/ Orange stripe w/ out press) - 125.00
April (cavewoman on radical raptor) - SOLD!
April (ravishing reporter) - 3.00
Baxter Stockman - SOLD!
Bebop - SOLD!
Bebop (giant size) - SOLD!
Bebop (Wacky) - SOLD
Burne (toon) - SOLD!
Casey Jones - SOLD!
Chrome Dome - SOLD
Donatello (W/ Fan Form) - SOLD
Donatello (w/o fan form) - SOLD!
Don (head droppin) - SOLD!
Don (hose down) - SOLD
Don (Wacky) - SOLD
Don (apollo 11) -SOLD!
Don (cave man don w/ T-Rex) - SOLD!
Don (power liftin) - SOLD!
Don (Giant Size) - 18.00
Foot Soldier (movie star) - SOLD!
Foot Soldier - SOLD
Foot Soldier (mutations) - SOLD!
Half Court - SOLD!
Hothead - SOLD!
Irma (toon) - SOLD!
Kala (toon) - SOLD!
Kenshin (movie 3) - SOLD
King Lionheart - SOLD!
Krang - SOLD!
Leonardo (W/ Fan Form)  - SOLD
Leo (w/o fan form) - SOLD!
Leo (Creature from the black Lagoon) - SOLD!
Leo (cave man leo w/ dingy dino) - SOLD!
Leo (chief) - SOLD
Leo (make my day) - SOLD
Leo (ninja action) - SOLD
Leo (track and field) - SOLD!
Leo (Giant Size) - 16.00
Letherhead - SOLD!
Metelhead - SOLD!
Merdude (92 anniversary card) - SOLD!
Mikey (Wacky) - SOLD
Mikey (bandito) - SOLD!
Michelangelo (W/ Fan form)  - SOLD
Michelangelo (w/o fan form) - SOLD!
Mikey (hot doggin) - SOLD
Mikey (head droppin) - SOLD!
Mikey (toon) - SOLD!
Mikey (shell slammin) - SOLD!
Mikey (ninja action) - SOLD!
Mikey (Invisable man) - SOLD!
Mitsu (movie 3) - 3.00
Mona Lisa - SOLD!
Mondo Gecko (rock and roll) - SOLD!
Mondo Gecko - SOLD
Monty Moose - SOLD!
Muckman - SOLD!
Mutegen Man - SOLD!
Napoleon Bonafrog - SOLD!
Panda kahn - SOLD!
Rahzar - 7.00
Rahzar (mutatiuons) - SOLD!
Raphael (Wacky) - SOLD
Raphael (Metaluna Mutant) - SOLD!
Raphael (cowboy) - SOLD
Raphael (head droppin) - SOLD
Raphael (super swimmer) - SOLD!
Raphael (W/ Fan form) - SOLD
Raphael (w/o fan form) - SOLD!
Rat King - SOLD!
Ray Fillet (color changing) - (have both)  Purple V = 7.00  Red V = 6.00
Rock Steady - SOLD!
Rock Steady (giant size) - SOLD!
Rock Steady (wacky action) - SOLD
Sandstorm - SOLD!
Scumbug - SOLD!
Scale Tail - SOLD!
Shredder (Super) - 6.00
Shredder (93 card) - SOLD!
Shredder (toon) -  SOLD!
Shredder (slice n dice) - 10.00
Shredder (Mutations) - SOLD!
Slash (w/ purple belt) - SOLD!
Splinter (movie star) - SOLD!
Splinter (wacky) - 4.00
Turtle Pault w/ whip (movie 3) - SOLD
Tokka (mutations) - SOLD!
Tokka (w/ brown highlights) - 12.00
Triceraton - SOLD!
Usagi yojimbo - SOLD!
Vernon (toon) - SOLD!
Warlord (movie 3) - SOLD
Warhorse w/ rebel soldier (movie 3) - SOLD!
Walkabout - SOLD!
Walker (movie 3) - SOLD
Wingnut - SOLD!
Zak the Neutrino - SOLD!

Button biters (for shoe laces) - 1.50
April O'Neill watches - 8.00
Christmas Turtle Stockings - SOLD!
Talking Strips - 3.00 per package

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